Diabetes - Causes and Finding Remedies

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people around the world. It occurs when the body is unable to properly use and store glucose, a type of sugar that provides energy to the body's cells. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, a hormone that regulates glucose in the bloodstream. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is a metabolic disorder in which the body becomes resistant to insulin, or does not produce enough of it.

The causes of diabetes are complex and multifactorial, and may include genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors such as poor diet and lack of physical activity, and environmental factors such as exposure to toxins.

Managing diabetes typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes and medical interventions. This may include a healthy diet, regular exercise, and medications such as insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents. In some cases, surgery may also be necessary.

Preventing diabetes requires a commitment to healthy habits, including maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Early detection and treatment are also important, as uncontrolled diabetes can lead to serious health complications such as cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, and blindness.

In this blog post, we will explore the causes of diabetes, including the genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors that can contribute to the development of this condition. We will also discuss the latest research and developments in diabetes treatment, including the most effective lifestyle interventions and medical therapies. Finally, we will provide tips and strategies for preventing diabetes, including healthy eating and exercise habits, as well as early detection and treatment.

While we were growing up in a popular street located in a
big town well known in Nigeria, I used to know a hard working woman whose early morning occupation was making pap for the community to buy.

This middle aged woman had a wound on her right foot which oozes fluid on regular occasions. I usually wonder why the wound never improved nor responded to curative therapies so as to cure it.

Not until i grew older to understand the term diabetes as a student of medical laboratory science at the University did the plight of that woman really had magnified impact on me. The woman in my story line eventually died with the wound. No cure was found for her! There are many people in that sad situation even now who nurse the disease without cure.

Diabetes is no doubt a dreaded disease that now affect both young and old. Several reasons has been adduced for the manifestation of this ailment ranging from uncontrolled intake of sugar, bad diet and hereditary factors. You can better imagine what relatives of diabetic individuals daily face in care and treatment to really appreciate the essence of this write up.

A colleague of mine sometimes ago had a sister beaten down by this ailment. After series of tests, consultation with medical professionals and massive spending, the young lady eventually gave up at a time home was alive in the horizon that she will be discharged from admission at the hospital until nemesis struck. What happened? She had an overdose of insulin injection. Such is the deadly result of chemotherapy. Yet there are safer methods of treatments without having to be given injection.

Horror After Wedding

Here is a pathetic story of a young lady in America who had to face the ugly side of diabetes which afflicted here husband. The horror struck at her wedding night.Think about the expectation of a young woman at her wedding night. She wanted to be romanced and feel cool in the hands of her husband. That was never to be! Her husband crashed to the floor when his glucose level spiked up. Truly he had taken much cake and champagne at the wedding. The pain of depression of that experience is inexplicable.

Hunting For Information From Sad Experience

That experience which ruined her wedding night motivated her to learn everything she could lay her hands on about diabetes. The important information would be how to control and cure diabetes.

Minefields To Avoid

She never knew how wide the topic was until she consulted naturopaths, nutritionists, doctors and other professionals who had anything to offer to help her out of her embarrassing situation. You will surely be amazed at the amount of information available on diabetes but tied around such information are over-information and misinformation. These are minefields to avoid in your search for getting out of the mess diabetes ailment has put you.

How To Cure Diabetes

My subject in this story eventually found the cure to her husbands' diabetes. No. She did not use any dose of insulin to save the life of her husband. She used a novel, hardly talked about method to improve the blood sugar levels to normal. Her husbands energy level went through the roof and life was sweet again. She settled for an alternative herbal cure to get out of the terrible situation.

You or anybody close to you could be in her situation. Help and life-saving information is available to make you survive the horrible nightmare of diabetes.

One Physician who has done very well with patients on diabetes cure is Dr. Vernon, a former president of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians. Her method is both simple and powerful but controversial. I'll share it with you here so you can give it a trial. Quickly get rid of carbohydrate from your diets and you'll be guaranteed of ultimate cure. It is that simple

2 Great Remedies To Diabetes
Cathy Wong prescribed 2 great remedies for diabetes which i'm going to share with you instantly. The remedies include certain minerals and home remedies which has proved to be effective on patients.

Ginseng especially from North America has been proven to reduce blood glucose significantly. The second proven remedy is Cinnamon. It has been shown to remedy type 2 diabetes.
diabetes, causes of diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, diabetes treatment, lifestyle interventions, medical therapies, preventing diabetes, healthy habits, cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, blindness, chronic condition.

Diabetes Offer: Berberine Supplement

Insulin Herb (Berberine)

Insulin Herb (Berberine) also known as the Ayurvedic Miracle Plant, has been traditionally used as medicine for centuries by the Indians and Chinese. Recent years, due to the increasing trend towards Natural Botany Solutions, Western societies have only been made aware of its impressive medicinal benefits.



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